
Food Industry



Foodiwant : Staff Hiring Portal for Food Businesses

Multi-business marketplace setup

The restaurant, catering, Events, and other businesses require food industry related staff of different scales and expertise. A founder had different ideas of onboarding which are industry specific and my job was to implement it in an optimised manner that can scale. A food freelancer must be able to find suitable jobs posted by businesses and proper filters need to be implemented in order the achieve UX envisioned by the founder and the same was implemented. Other aspects of the marketplace such as profile setup for all user types and customized dashboard setup were done as well.

Stripe Payment Integrations and Postmark Setup

In the marketplace, Payment receiving and payment releasing are crucial elements of success. Before releasing payment to the freelancer, all the checks and balances must be kept in place to ensure that all stakeholders including freelancers are satisfied and any conflicts if there is any must be resolved. A payment holding mechanism was also implemented. Email integration between Bubble and Postmark setup was done as successfully.